Wednesday, December 4, 2019

House of Peranakan - Nonya Lunch

Last weekend, we had lunch at House of Peranakan in Capitol Piazza. The food was really tasty and yummy. Was my second time there.

Ayam Curry Lemak

Nonya Chap Chye

Nonya Ngoh Hiang

Durian Chendol

Love the ambience in the restaurant, and a good view of the fountain facing the restaurant in Capital Piazza

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Tsui Wah (翠華餐廳) at Orchard Road

Recently had lunch at Tsui Wah at The Heeren. It's a double storey restaurant and can choose to sit indoor (air con) or outdoor (no air con). It is connected to Robinson at The Heeren. But firstly, we need to get a queue number. We dont have to stand and queue. Just get our queue number via the queue machine and when there's a table they will call us on our handphone. It is so popular that we need to wait for almost 45 minutes. We can choose to dine indoor or outdoor, the number of people and whether to share table or not. We choose not to share table so there's a longer wait for two of us. When I was in Shenzhen, we also dine in Tsui Wah, it was bigger and no queue but the food is almost the same.

I choose the western set and get to have soup of the day (either pumpkin soup or beef soup) and toast bread and drink.

Hubby had Japanese Curry with pork cutlet and we ordered another dish of sweet and sour pork. But think we ordered too much haha.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How I cooked Japanese Curry with potatoes and carrots using the electric lunch box

First time experimenting cooking Japanese Curry with potatoes and carrots using the electric lunch box and is was a success.

It was so yummy and the texture of the gravy is good.

Step by step on how I cooked Japanese Curry with potatoes and carrots using the electric lunch box.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Egg Milk Pudding cooked with the electric lunch box

Whenever I visited Hong Kong, I will surely eat the egg milk pudding. I got the inspiration from Christines recipes. So I decided to steam the dessert using my electric lunch box.

Step by step on how I steamed the egg milk pudding using my electric lunch box.