Friday, October 2, 2020

Bear Rectangle Electric Lunch Box Recipe - Steamed Squid with shrimp paste

First time trying to steam squid.

Did this with my electric lunch box. It was easy, just clean the squid well and throw into the electric lunch box and marinated with corn flour, sugar and shrimp paste. The dish is ready in 20 mins.

Watch my video for the step by step tutorial.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Love my electric lunch box, make cooking a breeze. I just dump all my ingredients into the pot and let it cook by itself.

Watch my video in my You tube Channel for the step by step tutorials. If you enjoy my video, please like and subscribe to my you tube channel, it will gives me the motivation to make more videos. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Cooking chicken and century egg congee using the Tefal Rice Cooker

Had chicken and century egg congee yesterday lunch. It was the first time I use the rice cooker to cook congee. It was super easy.

I did not add much seasoning to the congee, all the flavour comes from the ingredients.

Watch the step by step tutorial in my video.

If you enjoyed my video, please like and subscribe to my You Tube Channel. It will gives me the motivation to make more videos.

Thank for your support and visit to my blogs and you tube channel.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Mee Rebus using Wang's Mee Rebus Paste

I loved eating mee rebus. Decided to make my own mee rebus using Wang Mee Rebus Paste. It was so easy. Just follow the instructions on the back of the mee rebus paste packet.

Watch my you tube channel for the step by step tutorial on how I make the mee rebus using the instant paste. Please like and subscribe to my you tube channel if you enjoyed the videos. Thank you very much.