Sunday, October 25, 2020

Electric Lunch Box Recipe - Yeos Boneless Curry Chicken Rice with cheese and steamed assorted vegetables

Instead of baking curry chicken rice with an oven, I did it with the electric lunch box.

Useful to use Yeos boneless curry chicken in can and top up the rice with the curry chicken and cheese.

Watch my video in my You Tube Channel for the step by step tutorial. If you enjoy my video, please like and subscribe. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Rose Wine Chicken cooked in Rice Cooker

This is quite an easy recipe but not suitable for those who do not consume wine.

Need to use these two important ingredients, Rose Wine and Kimlan Taiwanese Soya Sauce.

The rose wine give the dish a very fragrant smell while cooking and the taiwanese soya sauce is not very salty.

Watch my video for the step by step tutorial. Please like and subscribe if you enjoy the video. Thank you for the support and visit to my blog.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Pulut Hitam (Black Glutinous Rice Sweet Soup) - Cooked with the Thermal Cooker Pot

This is the first time I cooked Pulut Hitam (Black Glutinous Rice Sweet soup/dessert). This is one of my favourite dessert. It is quite easy to cook, except that the rice need soak for a long time .

There's three option to cook this dessert, thermal cooker pot, slow cooker or over the stove. The stove will definitely need a long time to cook and need to keep to keep stirring and watch over it as fear the rice will stick to the pot. I had not try the slow cooker. The thermal cooker pot save electricity and gas, just boil for thirty minutes and let the thermal do the magic.

Watch my video for the step by step tutorial. If you enjoy my video, please like and subscribe to my You Tube Channel. Thanks for the visit and support to my blog.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Raddish, corn, carrot and potato soup using Thermal Cooker Pot

Using my magic Thermal Cooker Pot to cook the raddish, corn, carrot and potato soup. Just dump all the ingredients inside the pot, add water to cover the ingredients, boil for twenty minutes, add salt to taste and place into the outer thermal pot and let it cook by itself for about four hours. Nice flavourful soup ready in four hours and save electricity and gas bill. No messy kitchen too.

Watch my video for the step by step tutorial in my you tube channel. Please click like and subscribe if you enjoy the video. Thank you for the support and visit to my blog.