Monday, December 31, 2007

BBQ on Christmas Eve

This post is specially for JF. Thank you JF for the BBQ invite. We enjoyed so much. But sorry I enjoyed the food so much that I forgot to take photos of the curry vegetables, kueh pie tee (top hat), fried rice, fried mee think it is a wonderful idea to order from BBQ wholesale , their BBQ food are at reasonable price and the food are tasty and they delivered to the chalets, saving us all the hard work. The next time I have a BBQ, I would do same but I will cook the curry myself...hahaha and sis can fried meehoon and cooked glutinous rice.This gathering bring back memories of our childhood and thank you for being a wonderful part of my childhood. We grew up together as playmates and remember those times we played at the beach, catching, hide and seek, it was enjoyable even without computers during those times.And also remember the times our parents took us on long bus trips to West Malaysia. Maybe when we reached our golden age, we can take long bus trips to West Malaysia again with our families and you can still put those snakes over your shoulders at snake temple in

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